
https://www.khutbah.info/envy/ Morals have ailments just as bodies have diseases. And some of the diseases of the morals are more dangerous and have more severe effects…

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Friday Prayer

https://www.khutbah.info/friday-prayer/ Indeed from Allah Almighty’s favor upon us, is that he made this community the best community ever raised for humanity and the most honored…

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The Ability of Allah

https://www.khutbah.info/the-ability-of-allah/ Allah Almighty alone is perfect and has the most beautiful names and lofty attributes.  And Allah is exalted above having equals, partners or rivals.  And His…

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Yearning for Hajj

https://www.khutbah.info/yearning-for-hajj/ Allah Almighty has honored the Muslim community with successive seasons of goodness, consecutive days of mercies, and many means of triumphing with Paradise. The…

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After Ramadan

https://www.khutbah.info/after-ramadan Be conscious of Allah as long as you still have the chance, for time passes quickly. And do not let this fleeting worldly life…

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